Kukwstsétsemc for supporting an Indigenous Business! We appreciate you!

Tax Exempt

Please read carefully as we can not refund taxes on orders that have been already paid. No exceptions.

As per law, we can only make customer accounts tax exempt if:

  1. You have a valid status card
  2. You are shipping ON RESEVE

By submitting your status card, you are confirming that the parcel is being delivered ON reserve.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create an account on the website www.4GenerationsCreations.ca
  2. Using the same email, scan the front AND back of your valid status card to info@4GenerationsCreations.ca
  3. In the same email, confirm your shipping address and that it is located ON reserve. If you forget this step, we will email you to confirm, which takes more response time. 
  4. We will email you within 1-3 business days to confirm your account is tax exempt. Any orders placed before confirmation MAY be taxed. We can NOT refund taxes. No exceptions. So please wait for confirmation that your account has been changed to tax exempt. 

If you create a new account (use a different email), you will need to re-submit your status card to Info@4GenerationsCreations.ca and wait for your account to be approved for tax exempt before making an order.

Thank you for understanding.